What: Google Drive account linked to the portal.
Why: For technician who wants to upload raw files from their Google Drive account.
Login to the portal. https://pineapplelabs.io/
Select the listing where you want to link your Google Drive account and upload the raw files.
On the listing page, go to the “services” tab on the left pane, then choose the service.
On the sidebar, click “content”. Then, click upload “RAW images”.
Next, click the “Google Drive” icon. Then, click “Connect to Google Drive”.
This will redirect you to Google sign-in page. Sign in using your Google/Gmail account.
Once you’ve signed in, make sure to click “Allow”, giving access to the Pineapple Portal so you can upload via your Google Drive.
Note: You can always sign out when you’re done.
Then it will bring you back to the portal where it will show your Google Drive files.
Choose the folder that you want to sync, and it will upload the raw files to the portal.
Disclaimer: Account and address used are for example purposes only.